Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Capsule Wardrobe: Staying Strong

I'm pretty good at self control in most areas (sometimes too good, but that's another story), but 2 of my biggest weaknesses are snacking and shopping. My main shopping vices are clothes, beauty products and homeware. (Oh and mugs! We have to have them on a rotation as they don't all fit in our cupboard anymore...)

I am pretty terrible at not spending money, unless I stop spending altogether (stay with me here!). I've found that if I can manage to not buy anything at all, then I can hold out for a while; but if I give in just a little bit and buy something small, then that's it: the floodgates are open, my money is gone and my wardrobe is even more full of things I don't need. Things tend to escalate pretty quickly.

This month, as I've been using a capsule wardrobe, I've been trying really hard not to buy any clothes. Here are a few tips that I've been learning along the way:

  • Avoid clothes shops
    Don't even walk through the doors. Or past the windows. Basically, go nowhere near them.
    The moment I walk into my favourite shops, I immediately see so many items that I can't live without. Even if I don't buy them in the moment, I'll think about them and find myself making my way back to the store the next day. If I don't go in the shop, I won't see the clothes so I wont miss them from my wardrobe.

  • Same goes for online shops
    This is particularly difficult at the moment with the January sales in full swing. My email inbox is full of offers and sale deductions. My advice on this is to either unsubscribe from the emails altogether or just glance through them and then quickly delete, without clicking on any links to go to their website!

  • Stay away from haul vlogs
    Haul vlogs are a great love of mine, so it pains me to type this, but I can't deny the amount of clothes I've bought after watching them! I know that Alix Coburn (I Covet Thee) recently put up a Topshop haul on her Youtube channel, and I've been resisting watching it ever since. This is because I just know there's bound to be something so beautiful on there that I won't be able to resist buying! If I don't watch it, I won't be tempted.

  • Pinterest
    Build a Pinterest board with outfit ideas using clothes that you already have. Upload photos of some of the outfits that you've enjoyed wearing in the past. I have a secret board like this, so that when I'm feeling uninspired at 6:30am and don't know what to wear, I can bring up the board and pick something from there. Ready-made outfits at your fingertips. 

Do you have any tips for resisting shopping?

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