Wednesday, 24 January 2018

January Joy?

Here we are with one week left of January 2018. How are you feeling? Over it or sad to see it go?
I have to admit, I don't think I've ever met anyone whose favourite month is January. I usually class it as being like an entire month of Mondays. I can't believe that New Years was only 3 weeks ago! It feels more like 3 months!

This year I've been trying to enjoy January for what it is; to find the positive things and to try to live in the moment, rather than constantly longing for something else. My Mum always tells me to be careful not to 'wish my life away', and I think there's a lot of wisdom in that.
However, on the darker January days, when the sun doesn't make an appearance and the black ice creeps out, it can be a big challenge to find this time of year enjoyable.

As we've only got one week of January left, I want to decide right now to make the most of it and find the joy in each day. Here's a few of the things that I've been doing and will continue to do this week:

1. Blogging
Starting this blog has been my best decision so far this year. I've really loved the space to write about a variety of different things, and I'm excited to expand this into other areas throughout the rest of the year. I'd been a bit apprehensive about blogging as I wasn't sure that I'd have anything to say. But actually, I keep feeling inspired to write. I know that it's only early days, but I'm being relaxed about it and am doing it as something that I enjoy, rather than having a strict blogging schedule or anything like that. There's no pressure to achieve here.

2. Staying Cosy
One of the best bits about Winter is getting all cosy with knitwear, blankets, candles and cups of tea. I seriously miss this during Summer, so I'm trying to remember that and make the most of the opportunities for cosyness while they're here.

3. Getting Up Early
In December I started getting up everyday at 6:20am, and I have been loving it! I am not naturally an early bird at all, quite the opposite in fact! But I've found that if I do it everyday then my body-clock adjusts to the waking up time and it's not so bad. I've really come to treasure that time of quiet slowness to start off my day. Not rushing around but having breakfast with my husband and watching as the sun comes up - which is happening earlier and earlier as the month goes on!

4. Reading My Bible
Last year I followed a read the Bible in one year plan, as I wanted to be able to get the scope of the whole thing, and I wanted to know that I'd definitely read it all! This year however, I'm going to keep using the same app but I'm not going to go back if I miss a day. The app that I use has an audiobook function, so part of my morning routine is David Suchet (a.k.a. Poirot!) reading me the Bible whilst I do my make up.
I love starting everyday with Jesus; it helps to put everything else in life into perspective.

5. Capsule Wardrobe
As you'll know from my other blog posts, I've been challenging myself this month to only use a wardrobe of 12 items of clothing. I've had to exercise a lot of self-control not to go clothes shopping, but actually I've really enjoyed the project overall!
I'll be writing a post in the next few days all about where I'm going to go from here: keep the minimalism or release the clothes from under my bed?!

6. Taking It Slowly
I always think that this time of year is deceptively busy. We might be led to think that all of the busyness happens around Christmas, and that once that's over we can all return to our quiet lives, but every year I'm surprised at how hectic January is!
Last year I got really ill in early February, because I was so run down from the busyness of life. This year I'm trying to take things a little slower, be wise about what I say yes to, and try to look after myself. Particularly as I'm going through a tough time at the moment in my personal life.
It's important to be kind to yourself. As part of this, I'm going to try to get some early nights this week, especially as one of my eyes has been twitching from tiredness over the last few days!

Do you have any tips for enjoying January?

Lisa x

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