Over the past couple of days, as I've been browsing through Instagram Stories, one app has been mentioned again and again: Vero.
What is it and where has it come from? Do we really need another social media platform to keep up with?
Here's my first impressions after researching, downloading the app, setting up an account and attempting to 'socialise'.
What Is Vero?
Although it suddenly seems to be popping up everywhere, Vero has actually been around for quite a while. It was created a couple of years ago, with a view to being a more transparent and honest (Vero means 'truth') social media platform.
Included in the manifesto on their website is the statement:
"In real life, people are never presented with a one size fits all audience. We share different things with different people.
Most social networks reduce everyone to a friend or a follower. This encourages us to only share the parts of our lives we think are the most interesting.
When you can control who sees what, you can behave in a way that is more natural, which we believe ends up being better for you."
Vero aims to provide a natural and authentic way of connecting with others online.
So, Why Is It Different?
As the manifesto above states, a lot of Vero's focus is to be a better way for us to facilitate our varying social networks online, rather than having a one size fits all approach.
When you come across someone's Vero profile you have the option to either follow them (meant for people you just know online) or connect with them (if you know them in RL). If you select 'Connect' you're then given the options to categorise them as 'Close Friends', 'Friends' or 'Acquaintances'. This means that when you post something, you can select which category of people is able to see it.
One way that I can imagine this working for me, is that I'm always careful to never give away precisely where I live (e.g. photos of the outside of my house) when I post on Instagram, for obvious security reasons. But with this option on Vero, I could post a photo of my door number if I wanted to, but then only make it available for my close friends, who already know where I live, to see.
The bonus of this feature, is that no one can see where you've categorised them; so you don't need to worry about offending anyone.
As I mentioned above, one of the great things about Vero is that it won't fill our feeds with adverts, however, as it isn't making money through advertising, Vero has said that it will start charging people a small fee to use it, after the first million people have signed up.
The first million will be able to use it for free for life; so I would advise signing up asap, even if you're not sure whether or not you'll keep up using it long term.
Vero also enables you to not just share your photos, but to share links (great for bloggers) and recommendations for things like movies and books.
My First Impressions
Well, after 30 minutes of the server failing and retrying, my first photo has finally uploaded!
So far, I've found the app to be pretty slow and have been greeted with messages like 'Server side service timeout' whenever I've attempted to upload a photo or search for a hashtag.
Apparently, due to the sudden surge of people joining, the server is struggling, but we've been assured that this will soon sort itself out.
I actually hardly ever use Facebook or Twitter anymore, and Instagram is so saturated with users and content (although I do love it a lot), so its been fun to start connecting with the relatively small number of people on Vero, and to do things like start hashtags!
Overall, I'd say I'm enjoying discovering something new. I love their manifesto and their lack of using our data to advertise to us, or giving us infuriating algorithms like Instagram does.
I think time will tell as to whether or not Vero joins the big 3 social media platforms; but for the moment it's so fun to be part of something that's still in its relative infancy.
What do you think? Will you be giving it a go? Or if you've already started using it, what are your first impressions?
Lisa xx
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